In my work, light is not always the source of its presence.
It’s also a reflection on the light that leads me to construct images, which by its absence, calls out to us in our confrontation with nothingness.
It is these deep blacks that reveal her, as much as our eye can become accustomed to restoring her presence in the evanescent appearance of forms produced by our mind.

In today’s world, we prefer images that are easy to read, without having to make the effort to understand or analyze them.
Yet, as Gustave Flaubert said, “For something to be interesting, you have to look at it for a long time.”

My images ask the viewer to linger.
Look closely at these images. They’ll reveal their secrets.
There are multiple levels of interpretation.
The photographs are taken in such a way that shapes and silhouettes seem to move under the effect of our retina. Details change too, depending on the angle of view or the focus of our eye.
Perception therefore changes, depending on how we look at it, how bright it is, how much attention or concentration we bring to it, and the state of mind we’re in when we look at the image.